
a share是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

a share

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n.1.a share in a company that does not entitle the holder to voting rights and that may carry other restrictions

1.A股 项目交易 Program Trade A股 A Share B股 B Share ...

2.A股股票 area manager 分区经理 A share A 股股票 as is 按现状出售,概不保证 ...

3.甲类股份 accident insurance 意外保险 A share A 股;甲类股份 abatement of tax 减税;减扣免税额 ...

4.一份 ... Let's share in your joy. 让我们共享你的快乐。 a share 一份 拓展: share and share alike 平分、均摊; ...

5.份额0 年代初以前,美国所有共同基金都只有单一的 A 份额(A share),客户在购买基金 时会被收取一定比例的前端销售费用(front …

6.分享 3. A reasonable 价格合理 4. A share 分享 5. B had long expected, 过去时态,主动语态,所以选B ...


1.Try to establish the value of the company. Remember that a share of stock represents a part of a business and is not just a piece of paper.要建立企业价值的理念,股票即股权,一份股票代表的是公司的一份股权,而不仅仅是一张纸。

2.Unlike other areas of public spending, like the NHS, we cannot say that science spending as a share of GDP is at its highest ever.不像其他公共投资领域,比如NHS(英国国家医疗服务系统),我们不能说科学投入占GDP比重达到历史最高水平。

3.Since China A-share stock market was establishment, there had been a number of huge shocks in the market.我国A股市场自建立以来,出现了多次巨幅的市场动荡。

4.Financing and refinancing of the re-opening, the A-share market, the threat is no less than any of a blockade.融资和再融资的重新开闸,对于A股市场而言,其威胁绝对不亚于上述任何一道封锁线。

5.THE dramatic $2-a-share rescue of Bear Stearns was, almost everyone agreed at the time, the best way out of an awful situation.以每股2美元的戏剧性价格救贝尔史登公司于水火,这几乎是当时所有人都赞同的最佳出路了。

6.It's hard to see how this management team is going to be able to extract or create value anywhere near 33 bucks a share anytime soon. ''我们很难想象雅虎的管理团队近期能够从什么地方显示出33美元一股的价值。

7.But he added that Yahoo had insisted on at least $53bn, or $37 a share - more than Microsoft was prepared to pay.但是他补充道,雅虎坚持至少530亿美元的报价,或者37美元每股,高出了微软的预期支出。

8.MEL, at which Mr Meinl had no formal role, then sold shares (in the form of certificates enshrining a claim on a share) to a wide public.在MEL麦尔并无正式职务,他将MEL的股票以一种记载股票所有权的凭证形式出售给公众。

9.Experience the quiet slowly gathered into a share of his mind, and water power.静静的体验着自己心中那份慢慢汇集成的,流水的力量。

10.If measured correctly, it may be up to ten percentage points larger as a share of GDP (and investment lower by the same amount).如果按照正确的方法计算,其占据GDP的份额将会提升10个百分点(投资比率随之下降同样比例)。